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NTT’s metamorphosis: India at the forefront with its first Indian CEO

In a landmark move, NTT, a global technology and services powerhouse, has turned its spotlight towards India, appointing its first-ever Indian CEO to lead the charge in the company’s transformative journey. This strategic decision not only signifies NTT’s commitment to diversifying its leadership but also underscores India’s pivotal role in shaping the future of the […]


Sharat Sinha is named CEO of Airtel Business by Bharti Airtel

In a strategic move poised to steer its business arm towards new horizons, Bharti Airtel has appointed Sharat Sinha as the CEO of Airtel Business, effective June 3, 2024. Sinha’s appointment marks a pivotal moment for Airtel Business, signaling a fresh chapter under his leadership. With a wealth of experience garnered from his tenure as […]


Walmart makes ‘Intelligent’ changes with data, software, and technology.

Walmart makes major changes to over 4,000 locations introducing new technology to reboot the entire supply chain to understand consumer requirements with the help of the software, redirecting to improvise the inventory and understand the customer habits while shopping as well the pick-up and delivery. Walmart has decided to start implementing to achieve its goals […]