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Women entrepreneur

How this lady entrepreneur raised Rs 300 Cr in income by launching an inexpensive co-living brand

Sneha Choudhry’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the resilience and determination of a woman who not only dreams big but also takes concrete steps to turn those dreams into reality. Her story isn’t just about founding ZoloStays; it’s about a relentless pursuit of solving real-world problems and making a tangible difference in people’s lives.

It all started with a simple observation during her sister’s quest for accommodation in Bengaluru—a realization that the existing living options for India’s vast migrant population were sorely lacking in quality and convenience. Instead of merely lamenting the shortcomings, Sneha chose to dive headfirst into the entrepreneurial fray, armed with a vision to redefine the concept of co-living in India.

But her journey wasn’t without its share of challenges. Before ZoloStays, Sneha ventured into the realm of education technology with Augbrain, aiming to revolutionize learning using artificial intelligence. While the idea was noble, she learned a valuable lesson along the way—that creating a good product is meaningless unless it addresses a pressing market need and resonates with consumers.

Armed with this insight, Sneha pivoted towards a market with a more immediate and tangible problem—housing. With ZoloStays, she embarked on a mission to provide fully-managed, affordable stay options tailored to the needs of students and early professionals. But Sneha’s vision extended beyond just providing accommodation; it was about fostering a sense of community and belonging—a home away from home for thousands of individuals navigating the complexities of urban life.

At the heart of ZoloStays lies Sneha’s unwavering commitment to customer-centricity. From streamlining the move-in process to offering a wide range of amenities and fostering online and offline communities, every decision is driven by a desire to enhance the living experience for Zolo’s residents.

Yet, Sneha’s journey hasn’t been without its share of hurdles. As a woman entrepreneur in India’s startup ecosystem, she’s had to navigate the proverbial glass ceiling, facing regulatory challenges and societal biases along the way. But through it all, she’s remained steadfast in her belief that entrepreneurship is not just a career choice; it’s a calling—a calling to challenge the status quo, defy expectations, and leave a lasting impact on the world.

Today, ZoloStays stands as a testament to Sneha’s vision and perseverance. With its rapid growth trajectory and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, it’s not just a business; it’s a beacon of hope for thousands of individuals seeking a better way to live. And as Sneha continues to chart new territories and overcome obstacles, her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere—proof that with determination, resilience, and a relentless focus on creating value, anything is possible.

Sadhna B

Sadhna B

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